Certificates of Deposit
Find the Best Option to Match Your Goals
FBCO offers among the most competitive rates for Certificates of Deposit (CDs) in the Central Ohio area. When combined with our flexible terms, they provide customers a smart investment that guarantees a solid return. In most cases, the more you invest in a Certificate of Deposit the higher rate of interest you receive, and the longer your term the higher your yield will be.

Flexible Options with Guaranteed Returns
- Low minimum to open
- No fees1
- Terms from six to 60 months
- Tiered interest rates
- Available as IRA accounts
Fully Insured by the FDIC
The interest earned on a CD from FBCO is compounded daily and paid monthly2, and can be directly deposited into another account or paid to you by check. Best of all, your investment is fully insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per depositor, and can be set up to automatically renew.
1A penalty is imposed for early withdrawal. Please see the Deposit Agreement for details.
2Quarterly and annual interest payment is also available.